Friday, November 28, 2008

My Best Pal

Daddy and Brooks were reading a book today where the dog, Pip, has a couple of good friends. Daddy called the bunny rabbits Pip's "best pals" and asked Brooks who his best pal was. Brooks said "Audrey!"

Upon further questioning about his friends he also mentioned Thijs, Jacob and David, all preschool friends. But apparently Audrey is his very best pal :-)

Thanksgiving Day

We had a very enjoyable Thanksgiving at Uncle Keith's house. All of the Bares were there except Andrew and Tootie, who were greatly missed! Apparently Brooks and Audrey passed along their pink eye to Tootie, so she decided to stay home and recuperate. Andrew was still in Chicago. Sorry Tootie! We missed you!

Audrey decided to celebrate by learning how to climb stairs. Uncle Keith has a half set of carpeted stairs from his living room to the dining room level, she climbed up them several times without batting an eyelash. Watch out, world, here she comes!

We tried to take pictures of the grandchildren together but Brooks and Audrey were not very cooperative, so Mommy and Daddy had to get in the picture, too.

Happy Thanksgiving!